What Should Your Glove Hand Do In The Pitching Delivery?

What Should Your Glove Hand Do In The Pitching Delivery?

What Should Your Glove Hand Do In The Pitching Delivery?

The glove hand plays an important role in the pitching delivery.  First, we want to make sure that the length of the glove side arm matches the length of our throwing arm. If we have a long arm action, we want to have a long glove arm. If we have a short arm action, we want to have a short glove arm.

We want to make sure that our glove arm is at least as high as our shoulder. We do not want it to be lower as that would not give us a firm front side to throw against. It is ok to go higher than our shoulder, but never lower.

Make sure that your thumb is pointing to ground as this makes your glove arm very strong during the delivery and allows you to stabilize your front side and have a firm top half to throw against. Check out the video and see how it's done.

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